Quotes Zombie 5,0/5 5613 reviews
Quotes zombieland
  • On Eye of the Zombie, I had so-called studio musicians. (Quote by - John Fogerty) Plus, doing a zombie movie is quite liberating. It's fun not to take myself seriously all the time. (Quote by - Sarah Polley) White Zombie was a bunch of kids with the worst equipment playing in a basement. But that is what is so great about it.
  • The zombie is in a lot of ways the perfect horror movie bad guy. It plays on so many fears all at once. The fear of predators, the fear of disease and the fear of loved ones betraying us - the ones we care about are turning around and trying to eat us.

I think the general anxiety of the 1960s - '70s spawned our interest in the living dead. When people worry about the end of their world, they need a safe vessel for all their fears. Zombies provide that vessel.

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Quotations about Zombies,
Vampires, Monsters, etc.

Related QuotesGhostsHalloweenFearNightDeath

Being the evil Undead wasn't fun anymore. For one thing, was increasingly hard to get a library card. ~Sharon Ashwood, Ravenous: The Dark Forgotten, 2009
I just realized zombiism is just cannibalism in virus form. ~The Middle, 'The Break-Up,' 2010, written by Vijal Patel [S1, E17, Brick]
I just saw Twilight.
It's labeled a vampire film,
but I don't know why.
Those were not vampires.
If sunlight makes you sparkle,
you're a unicorn.
~Ryan Mecum, Vampire Haiku, 2009
I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters. ~George A. Romero
Never moon a werewolf. ~National Lampoon, 1987
Their kiss... recalled to my fevered imagination another strain of the Gothic — its tales of those eldritch creatures, vampyres, which feed on the blood of their victims, leaving them living shells, inhabited only by the lust for yet more of their vile food. ~Alfred de Musset, Gamiani, or Two Nights of Excess, 1833, translated from the French by John Baxter, 2006
I mean, herpes are one thing, but zombie herpes?! ~Zombie Strippers!, 2008, written by Jay Lee, spoken by the character Ian[I so hope my mom never reads this, but yes, I admit to seeing this movie. –tg]
Clary: I suppose there are also, what, vampires and werewolves and zombies?
Jace: Of course there are... Although you mostly find zombies farther south, where the voudun priests are.
Clary: What about mummies? Do they only hang around Egypt?
Jace: Don't be ridiculous. No one believes in mummies.
~Cassandra Clare, City of Bones, 2007
Part of me would really love being a vampire but another part of me would really hate giving up garlic bread. ~Keith Wynn, @moon_descending, tweet, 2020
I do not think man was meant to enjoy such easily attained, unmixed happiness. I have often fancied that true happiness is like the palaces in fairy tales from our childhood, where fiery dragons defend the entrance, and monsters of all shapes and kinds must be overcome ere victory is ours. ~Alexandre Dumas, père (1802–1870), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, 1845 (Edmond Dantès)[This is my rendering of a few different translations, from the French; all had anonymous translators. –tg]
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, 1886, translated by Helen Zimmern
Next time you gonna think twice before coming back from the dead, ain't ya? ~The Haunted Mansion, 2003, written by David Berenbaum[Jim Evers –tg]
A zombie film is not fun without a bunch of stupid people running around and observing how they fail to handle the situation. ~George A. Romero
If only words were capable of beheading a zombie... I would presently find myself in the company of the world's two greatest warriors. ~Seth Grahame-Smith, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, 2009
I don't know exactly what the zombie apocalypse will look like, but I have a strong feeling that it will resemble Walmart on a Friday night. ~Keith Wynn, @moon_descending, 2017
We used to think the apocalypse would be anarchy and zombies. Turns out it's home offices and no toilet paper. ~American internet meme, March 2020, coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic
I killed the monsters. That's what fathers do. ~F. K. Wallace, Stormfront, 2011
No flesh had the spectre, his skeleton skull
Was loosely wrapp’d round with a brown, shrivell’d skin;
His bones, ’stead of marrow, of maggots were full,
And the worms they crawled out, and the worms they crawled in.
His shoes they were coffins, his dim eye reveal’d
The gleam of a grave-lamp with vapours oppress’d;
And a dark crimson necklace of blood-drops congeal’d
Reflected each bone that jagg’d out of his breast...
His tread wakes the echoes, which breathe thro’ the aisle...
Thrice swifter than thought on his heel round he turns...
His quill was a windpipe, his inkhorn a skull...
His lank fingers scrawled invitations in blood...
With groans from their tombs the pale spectres stalk’d forth,
In deadly apparel and shrouding sheets dress’d...
Grinning ghosts, sheeted spirits, skipping skeletons move...
A tomb was the table, now each took his seat...
~Matthew Gregory Lewis (1773–1818), 'Grim, King of the Ghosts; or, The Dance of Death: A Church-Yard Tale,' c. 1802[A little altered. Nickname: 'Monk' Lewis. Written in imitation of The Cloud-King. –tg]
And graves have yawn'd, and yielded up their dead...
Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds,
In ranks and squadrons and right form of war,
Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol;
The noise of battle hurtled in the air,
Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan,
And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets.
~William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 1599 [II, 2, Calpurnia]
Vampire: a toothy phlebotomist. ~Terri Guillemets
And then sometimes a sudden chill doth strike
My heart with very horror, and I shrink
Away from their dull touch, shudd'ring to think
How much of human life that, vampire-like,
These books have sucked beneath their leathern wings,
How brains have broken and frail bodies bent
To feed with human blood these bloodless things...
~Charles Washington Coleman (1862–1932), 'Of My Books,' c. 1893
I'm a sucker for a vampire. ~@AnonymousVoyeur, tweet, 2012
Sure the world breeds monsters, but kindness grows just as wild... ~Mary Karr, The Liars' Club: A Memoir, 1995
Did you really run into a monster on your path, or just a mirror? ~Terri Guillemets, 'Mind the monsters,' 2004
But perhaps the universe is suspended on the tooth of some monster. ~Anton Chekhov (1860–1904), translated by Constance Garnett
The truth is that monsters are real, and ghosts are real, too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win. That our better angels sometimes — often! — win instead, in spite of all odds, is another truth of The Shining. And thank God it is. ~Stephen King, 2001

Quotes Zombie

Page Information:
Original post date 2014 Oct 12
1st major revision 2019 Oct 24
Last saved 2020 Oct 01 Thu 15:42 PDT

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