Occasional Sharp Pain In Upper Arm 3,2/5 1869 reviews
Occasional Sharp Pain In Upper Arm
  1. Random Shooting Pain In Upper Arm
Hi there. I was wondering if anyone may be able to shed some light on a problem I've had for a couple of months now.
Randomly (as I cant seem to figure out why/when this is usually happening) at some point in the day/night I get a really intense stabbing/poking/burning pain in my right arm. It is about 2 inches up from the inside of my right elbow, and is like someone has just stabbed me deeply with a fine needle...its very hard to explain.
it will happen maybe a few times in a matter of 10 minutes or so....and the pains so strong it takes me by surprise! It starts to feel better if I rub my arm with the palm of my hand, but soon the pain comes back for another strike...and then once its done it doesnt happen again for days.
I cant link a time of day it usually happens, as it happens randomly. Its doing it now, and its really annoying me!
I am 25yo F, in good health, pretty active, slightly overweight but loosing weight.
Anyone got any ideas? Any feedback would be much appreciated, and once I've finished moving house, I'm gunna definately get a doctor sorted and go see em! lol
Thanks :)
Occasional Sharp Pain In Upper Arm

I am having intermittent pains in the upper left arm starting as dull but increasing to sharp and lasting anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. I have no other symptoms going with this that i am acutely aware of and I wonder is this could be a form of Angina. These do not come after any particular exercise and can come at any time of the day.


Random Shooting Pain In Upper Arm

  1. What causes sharp pain in the heart? Chest pain isn’t always as bad as you might think.
  2. Another cause of left arm pain is a tear of the rotator cuff in the shoulder. With this injury pain sometimes shoots down the arm with even a slight movement. The pain will happen intermittently as the arm or shoulder move. The pain may range from minor to severe.
  3. Migraines can cause a severe throbbing pulsating pain on just one side of the head.