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View of damage after clashes against COVID-19 lockdown in Eindhoven

If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her boyfriend Riley have a dog together, then things must be serious between them. We wish them the best in their relationship as AOC seeks a second term in the U.S. House of Representatives on Election Day. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a furry new constituent: She just got a French bulldog puppy. Ocasio-Cortez, a 30-year-old who has quickly become one of the most famous progressive.

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Rioters looted stores, set fires and clashed with police in several Dutch cities on Sunday, resulting in more than 240 arrests, police and Dutch media reported.

The unrest came on the second day of new, tougher coronavirus restrictions, including a night curfew, which had prompted demonstrations.

Police used water cannon, dogs and mounted officers to disperse a protest in central Amsterdam on Sunday afternoon, witnesses said. Nearly 200 people, some of them throwing stones and fireworks, were detained in the city, police said.

National broadcaster NOS said riot police had been deployed in at least 10 cities and towns after a curfew went into effect at 9 p.m. (2000 GMT). Vehicles were set alight, police were pelted with stones and public property was destroyed, it reported.

Military police said on Twitter on Sunday night that they were supporting local police in at least two cities in the south.


Images on Dutch television showed bands of youths looting shops, throwing bicycles and setting fires in the southern city of Eindhoven. At least 55 people were arrested in Eindhoven, the city said in a statement.

The demonstration in the city’s Museum Square, which violated a ban on public gatherings, came the day after the government introduced a nightly curfew for the first time since World War Two.


Police cleared the square after people ignored instructions to leave and detained those who attacked them with stones and fireworks in nearby streets, the mayor’s office said.

Parliament voted narrowly last week to approve the curfew, swayed by assertions that a variant of COVID-19 first identified in Britain was about to cause a new surge in cases. New infections in the country have generally been declining for a month, and fell again on Sunday, to 4,924 new cases.

There have been 13,540 deaths in the Netherlands from COVID-19 and 944,000 infections.

On Saturday night, police had arrested 25 people across the country and handed out 3,600 fines for curfew violations.

Schools and non-essential shops in the Netherlands have been shut since mid-December, following the closure of bars and restaurants two months earlier.

(Reporting by Toby Sterling; Additional reporting by Anthony Deutsch; Editing by Nick Macfie, Philippa Fletcher and Peter Cooney)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called out for claiming Trump food stamp changes might have left her family 'starved'

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is receiving pushback after claiming her family 'might've just starved' had the Trump administration's tightened requirements for food stamp recipients been in place when her father died in 2008.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made a puzzling argument on Tuesday in order to counter a conservative nonprofit's argument about free markets providing paid family leave.

'Do we know how long puppies are allowed to stay with their mothers after a dog has given birth?' she asked during a House Oversight Committee hearing on paid leave.

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'Uh, eight weeks. So, the market has decided that women and people who give birth deserve less time with their children than a dog,' she added.

Ocasio-Cortez seemed to be referring to the practice of breeders keeping puppies until they reach 8 weeks of age, at which point they're sold and likely never see their parents again.

Paid family leave generally refers to a limited period of time in which human parents can leave work to take care of a new child. The parent is still able to live with the child after that paid period ends.

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She made those comments in an apparent attempt to dispute Heritage Foundation scholar Rachel Greszler, who had advocated businesses and workers negotiating their own terms for wages and paid leave. Greszler, in a statement provided to Fox News, criticized Ocasio-Cortez's comments.

“As a woman who has given birth to six children, I find being compared to a breeding dog with puppies incredibly offensive. What AOC failed to point out is the reason many states require puppies to spend at least eight weeks with their mothers is in the context of them being sold to people after that period,' she said.

Ocasio-Cortez's use of the word 'allowed' indicated some kind of legal prohibition -- meaning that by definition, the government interfered rather than allowing the free market to act. A long list of states has instituted regulations surrounding that point in development.

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Ocasio-Cortez's office did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment. The congresswoman stood by her argument on Twitter.


After serving up several questions to Greszler, Ocasio-Cortez made her dog breeder analogy and pushed for more government intervention in paid leave policies.

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'And I think that that, at its core, has shown that the market has failed to treat people with dignity and with basic respect -- and so when that happens, I think it's our job as the public to redefine the rules of society,' she added.