Ocasio Cortez Feet 4,8/5 4442 reviews
Ocasio cortez feet images

The site where users rate celebrity feet proved a photo apparently showing the congresswoman in a bath was fabricated – using toe length as evidence

Name: wikiFeet.

Ocasio Cortez Feet

Age: 11.

Appearance: The most extensive online photo gallery of women’s feet on the internet.

Jan 11, 2021 Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Stolen Shoes Tweet refers to a mock social media post allegedly by New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in which she accuses Trump supporters involved in the 2021 Storming of the United States Capitol of stealing her shoes. While this tweet does not currently appear on Ocasio-Cortez's Twitter account, many took the tweet as truth. Jun 07, 2019 Apart from this rare collection of photos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s feet and legs, we also show you an impressive album of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s sexy feet in high heels. Together with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s beautifully sculpted figure and her pair of pretty feet, witness the allure of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s hot toenails. Girlfeetfan, the only reason why you chose to bring up Ocasio-Cortez, when this is about Shailene, is because YOU have a problem with her, and NOT with her feet. Get yourself some help. Blacklist user Reply.


Oh. Gross. Now, now, don’t be like that. Studies reveal foot fetishes to be incredibly common. Foot fetishism doesn’t hurt anyone and it brings pleasure to people, and you should grow up.

Alexandria ocasio cortez foot

But have you seen feet? They look like bits of mangled swamp wood. OK, I’ll try another angle. What if I told you that wikiFeet was reportedly visited by 700,000 people every week, and among them are the best amateur detectives since Jessica Fletcher?

Now I’m interested. OK, strap in and I’ll tell you the strange case of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fake nude feet.

As in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the congresswoman? That’s it. This weekend, someone on Reddit posted a picture of a woman’s legs and feet. You couldn’t see her face, but she was in a bath holding a vape pen, and the image was emblazoned with text suggesting Ocasio-Cortez had posted it on Instagram in 2016.

Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Husband

I don’t think I saw this. Really? You don’t subscribe to the r/dramasubreddit?

Andrea ocasio cortez feet

Oh boy. Here’s the thing: the pictured feet were not those of Ocasio-Cortez.

How can you be so sure? Because the good people of wikiFeet, who apparently get their rocks off by looking at actual pictures of Ocasio-Cortez’s feet, immediately recognised the post as a fake.

They did? A wikiFeet user told Vice that the feet in the image posted to Reddit looked as if they suffered from brachydactyly – an inherited trait whereby the bones of the fingers and toes are relatively short compared with the rest of the body – but this didn’t align with wikiFeet’s gallery of Ocasio-Cortez.

She has her own gallery? Absolutely. WikiFeet – which describes itself as “a collaborative site for sharing, rating and discussing celebrity feet pictures and videos” – has 15 photos of Ocasio-Cortez. She wears sandals in most of them, although she is barefoot in a handful.

And what’s the verdict? If you must know, the wikiFeet community has rated her feet 3.25 stars out of five, which means she has “OK feet”.

Wow, the internet is so harsh. It is – and ingenious. Thanks to the collective minds of the respective wikiFeet and Reddit communities, Ocasio-Cortez has managed to avoid a potentially career-ending scandal.

The scandal being that she vapes and sometimes washes her body? It’s so much worse than that – the image clearly shows a bottle of pumpkin-scented shampoo on the side of the bath.

I could never vote for anyone whose hair stinks of pumpkins. Me neither. That’s a fetish too sick for even the ugliest corners of the internet.

Ocasio Cortez Feet Images

Do say: “The internet is capable of facilitating profound acts of deduction.”

Alex Ocasio Cortez Feet

Don’t say: “And pleasuring itself over pictures of celebrities’ feet. It’s also quite evidently capable of that.”