2 Slot Height 3,0/5 5607 reviews

Alternatively known as a bus slot or expansion port, an expansion slot is a connection or port inside a computer on the motherboard or riser card.It provides an installation point for a hardware expansion card to be connected. Faztek - 15QE1530-48 15QE1530 Aluminum 6063-16 T-Slotted Heavy Extrusion with Clear Anodize Finish, 48' Length x 1-1/2' Width x 3' Height 4.3 out of 5 stars 29 Misc.

Nov 22nd, 2020 (edited)
2 Slot Height
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  1. local d = 'north'
  2. width = tonumber(arg[1])
  3. height = tonumber(arg[3])
  4. print('None or Malformed Size Given, Defaulting to 10x10x2 up')
  6. 'minecraft:dirt',
  7. 'minecraft:sand',
  8. 'minecraft:redstone',
  9. 'railcraft:ore_metal',
  10. 'minecraft:dye',
  11. 'thaumcraft:crystal_essence',
  12. 'projectred-core:resource_item',
  13. 'deepresonance:resonating_ore',
  14. }
  15. print('Purging Inventory...')
  16. local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
  17. for filterIndex = 1, #DROPPED_ITEMS, 1 do
  18. if(item['name'] DROPPED_ITEMS[filterIndex]) then
  19. turtle.select(slot)
  20. end
  21. end
  22. end
  23. for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
  24. if(item ~= nil) then
  25. if(item['name'] 'enderstorage:ender_storage') then
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. function manageInventory()
  30. index = getEnderIndex()
  31. turtle.select(index)
  32. turtle.placeUp()
  33. -- Chest is now deployed
  34. local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
  35. if(item['name'] ~= 'minecraft:coal_block' and item['name'] ~= 'minecraft:coal') then
  36. turtle.dropUp()
  37. end
  38. -- Items are now stored
  39. turtle.digUp()
  40. turtle.select(1)
  41. if(turtle.getFuelLevel() < 50) then
  42. for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
  43. if(turtle.refuel(1)) then
  44. end
  45. else
  46. end
  47. function detectAndDig()
  48. turtle.dig()
  49. turtle.digDown()
  50. end
  51. function forward()
  52. turtle.forward()
  53. turtle.turnLeft()
  54. turtle.forward()
  55. detectAndDig()
  56. function rightTurn()
  57. detectAndDig()
  58. turtle.turnRight()
  59. end
  60. function flipDirection()
  61. d = 'south'
  62. d = 'north'
  63. d = 'east'
  64. d = 'west'
  65. if(tier % 2 1) then
  66. rightTurn()
  67. leftTurn()
  68. else
  69. leftTurn()
  70. rightTurn()
  71. end
  72. end
  73. turtle.turnRight()
  74. flipDirection()
  75. turtle.up()
  76. function start()
  77. for col = 1, width, 1 do
  78. if(not checkFuel()) then
  79. print('Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...')
  80. end
  81. print(string.format('Row: %d Col: %d', row, col))
  82. if(col ~= width) then
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end

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